
的 Assessor is required by the Louisiana Constitution to list 和 value all property subject to ad valorem taxation on an assessment roll each year. 的 “从价” 征税基础是指所有财产都应征税 “按价值” 从价税的定义是什么.  评估值是一个百分比 “公平市场价值”; or “使用价值” 法律规定的. 物业的评估方法如下:

  • 土地 -其“公平市场价值”或“使用价值”的10%
  • 住宅的改进 -“公平市价”的10%
  • 商业地产 -(包括个人财产)-“公平市场价值”的15% (注意: 商业用地的估价为“公平市场价值”的10%)
  • 公共服务财产 -公共服务财产由路易斯安那州税务委员会估价. 一旦计算出来, the assessed values are mailed out to each Assessor throughout the state to add to their current taxrolls.

十大最大的网络彩票平台不提高或降低税收. 估价员不制定影响财产所有人的法律. 路易斯安那州宪法, 由选民通过, 提供税收的基本框架, 税法由路易斯安那州立法机关制定. 的 rules 和 regulations for assessment are set by the Louisiana 税 Commission. 的 tax dollars are levied by the taxing bodies, such as the police jury, school board, 等., 和 are collected by the Sheriff's Office as Ex-Officio 税 Collector. 的 assessor's office has nothing to do with the total amount of taxes collected. 的 assessor's primary responsibility is to determine the "fair 市场 value" of your property so that you pay only your fair share of the taxes. 你所付的税额是由……决定的 “厘计税率率”, 哪一项适用于物业的评估价值. 里程率, 由公众投票决定, 是由区内所有税务机关共同征收的吗, 城市, 教区或州. 的se include school districts, police juries, 执法 districts, 等. 里程率 is the basis for the budget needed or dem和ed by the voters to provide for services such as schools, 道路, 执法, 等. Millage rates are simply those rates which will provide funds to pay for those services.

If it is determined that your property is eligible for homestead exemption, 你必须到我们办公室来申请. Once you have signed your homestead exemption, it is in effect permanently, as long as you 拥有并居住 在那个位置. 如果发生任何影响你财产所有权的事情, it is your responsibility to notify our office to determine future homestead eligibility.

你评估的基础是你财产的“公平市场价值”. 达到“公平市场价值”, the assessor must know what "willing sellers" 和 "willing buyers" are doing in the 市场place. He must also keep current on cost of construction in the area 和 any changes in zoning, 融资, 以及可能影响房产价值的经济状况. 的 assessor may use any of the three nationally recognized approaches to value, those being 成本、收入、市场. This data is then correlated into a final value estimate by the appraiser. 在你的评估完成之后, 价值的适当百分比, 或者评估水平, 按法律规定计算 “评估价值”.

公平市场价值的定义是 路易斯安那州修订法令47:2321 如下:

"Fair Market Value is the price for property which would be agreed upon between a willing 和 informed buyer 和 a willing 和 informed seller under the usual 和 ordinary circumstances; it shall be the highest price estimated in terms of money which property will bring if exposed for sale on the open 市场 with reasonable time allowed to find a purchaser who is buying with knowledge of all the uses 和 purposes to which the property is best adapted 和 for which it can be legally used."

Finding the "fair 市场 value" of your property involves discovering the price most people would pay for it in its present condition in the current open 市场. 事情并没有那么简单, 然而, because the 市场 和 the condition of the home are constantly changing.

税率是按英里数计算的, 债券发行, 和 fees that have been voted by registered voters in the various districts which have been established by the Legislature or Constitution. 为各区征收的税款用于支付学校费用, 道路, 执法, 消防, 和 other services that the taxpayers dem和 和 desire from local government. 计算你的财产税, 你必须接受评估值, 这是“公平市场价值”的百分比, 和 multiply it by the appropriate tax or millage rate to arrive at the amount due. If, 举个例子, 你有1000美元的应税估价税率是120美元, 你将支付1000美元 .120 = 120美元的税. 如果你的房子价值100美元,000, 你有资格并且签署了宅地豁免协议, 你的税款计算方法如下:

$100,000 (公平市价)
x 10% (评核水平)
= $10,000 (估价)
- 7,500 (宅基地最高豁免额)
= 2,500 (应税价值)
x .120 (税率)
= $300.00 (应付堂区税总额)

注意: This example is for parish taxes only as homestead exemption does not apply to 城市 taxes.

When additional taxes are voted by the people, an individual's property tax bill will increase. Also, when 市场 value increases, naturally, so does the assessed value. 如果你要改善你现有的财产, 例如, 增加车库, 额外的房间, 或者游泳池, “公平市场价值”增加, 因此, 评估价值也会增加. 评估器还没有创建值. 人们通过在市场上的交易创造价值. 的 assessor simply has the legal 和 moral responsibility to study those transactions 和 appraise your property accordingly.

作为纳税人, you have a certain legal responsibility to furnish accurate information on your property. 本办事处欢迎业主提供所有资料. 如果您遵守了这些法律要求, 你有权对你财产的价值提出质疑. If your opinion of the value of your property differs from the Assessor's, 你可以亲自到我们办公室来讨论这件事. Be prepared to show evidence that the Assessor's valuation of the property is incorrect. Our staff will be glad to answer your questions about the Assessor's appraisal. If, 在与评税主任讨论后, 意见分歧仍然存在, you may appeal your assessment to the 十大彩票网赌平台 Board of Review according to 程序. 在审查了你的上诉之后, if the Board agrees with the Assessor 和 意见分歧仍然存在, you may appeal the Board's decision to the Louisiana State 税 Commission. 如果委员会同意董事会和评核员的意见, 如果你愿意,你可以在法庭上为你的案子辩护.

税务局不负责邮寄税务通知书. 每个税吏都会邮寄他们自己的通知. If you did not recieve your Notice you can call the Parish 税 Collector's Office (318)368-2511. If you have not reiceved your City 税 Notice you would need to call whichever 城市 is applicable to your assessment. 即使你没有收到税务通知, it is your responsibility to be sure that the property taxes have been paid.

According to Article VII, Section 18 of the Louisiana Constitution 和 R.S.47:2331, all property that is subject to taxation shall be reappraised (updated) every four years. Assessors should assess residential property 和 vacant l和 at 10% of its fair 市场 value 和 commercial property at 15% of its fair 市场 value. 州法(R).S. 47:2321) defines fair 市场 value as the price for property which would be agreed upon between a willing 和 informed buyer 和 a willing 和 informed seller under usual 和 ordinary circumstances. 州法(R).S. [07:23 . 23]要求十大最大的网络彩票平台遵循统一的指导方针, 程序, 以及确定公平市场价值的规章制度.

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